15. The information on calculation of profit tax

15.1. At calculation of taxable surplus the Company applies accrual method to accounting of income and expenses. Income and expenses are recognized in that reporting (tax) period in which they took place, irrespective of actual receipts of money funds, other property or property rights. The moment of origin of income and expenses with the accrual method is specified in articles 271, 272, 316, 317 of the Tax code of the Russian Federation. Calculation of tax base following the results of 2011 was made on the basis of the tax accounting data. The taxable surplus for the accounting period is 7,437,522 thousand rubles, the profit tax estimated under the rate of 20% is 1,712,980 thousand rubles.

15.2. The Company includes the differences in the business accounting arising from a discrepancy between accounting earnings and profit, estimated according to requirements of chapter 25 of the Tax code of the Russian Federation.

Obligation and rules of forming of such indicators are established with RAS 18/02 “Accounting of calculations of profit tax”.

The transition from accounting earnings to taxable income for 2010 — 2011 is included in the notes to the accounting balance-sheet and in the profit and loss statement in table 2.3.

# Indicator 2011 2010
1. Profit (loss) under Form 2 (line 2300) 7,437,522 5,596,070
2. Permanent difference 4,235,630 1,014,100
2.1. Material aid, social privileges, etc. to employees, pensioners etc. 770,723 676,476
2.2. Full appreciation of non-current assets (5,378) (100,670)
2.3. Reserve reconstitution of doubtful debts 3,669,681 1,516,354
Reserve reconstitution under other contingent liabilities (38,980) (114,148)
2.4. Fixed Assets depreciation 1,077,303 1,096,283
2.5. Profit of last years (178,455) (125,965)
2.6 The expenses of the last tax periods considered in last tax periods on the basis of the specified declaration 672,920 478,979
2.7. Expenses on charity 10,000
2.8. Debt receivable write-off 17,371 37,918
2.9. Deductions to non budget funds of Private Pension Fund, Power Industry Pension Fund 11,516 25,961
2.10. Cultural and sports events 21,305 22,687
2.11. Payments to the Board of directors 36,211
2.12. Nonreimbursable VAT 36,128 39,981
2.13. Deductions and payments to employees of trade-union committee 45,359 37,614
2.14. Payments for above-standard emissions of polluting substances 3,401 2,164
2.15. Penalties, penalty fee, penalties, payments under agreements of lawsuit (5,851)


2.16. Reserve on doubtful debts (3,458,141) (3,157,872)
2.17. Reserve under other contingent liabilities 1,074,586 148,818
2.19. Write-down of non-current assets 69,102
2.18. Others 453,040 383,170
3. Deductible temporary difference 63,815 561,175
3.1. Fixed Assets depreciation (the sum of depreciation for tax accounting is less than the sum of depreciation for the business accounting) 24,890 9,298
3.2. Reserve on payment of annual compensation and annual holiday 60,077 552,843
3.3. The loss sum from sale of Fixed Assets, transferred to the future 257 (650)
3.4. Others (21,409) (316)
4. Taxable temporary difference 3,172,065 1,814,155
4.1. Fixed Assets depreciation (the sum of depreciation for tax accounting is more than the sum of depreciation for the business accounting) 3,100,679 1,802,273
4.2. The expenses recognized in the business accounting as deferred expenses (licences, software, etc.) 1,507 (1,130)
4.3. Other taxable temporary difference 69,879 13,012
Total (sum of line 2 + sum of line 3 — sum of line 4) 1,127,380 (238,880)
5. Total profit (loss) under line 050 of Sheet 02 of the Tax declaration of the current tax period 8,564,902 5,357,190
5.1. Current profit tax under Form 2 (line 2410) 1,712,980 1,071,438
6. Total full appreciated profit under line 050 of Sheet 02 of the Tax declaration of last tax periods (4,194,930) (4,473,675)
6.1. Full appreciated profit tax of last tax periods under Form 2 (838,986) (894,735)

The sum of the written off deferred tax asset is 43,375 thousand rubles, including:

  • 20,117 thousand rubles — from liquidation of fixed assets;
  • 23,258 thousand rubles — others.

The sum of the written off deferred tax liability is (701,868) thousand rubles, including:

  • (702,801) thousand rubles — tax liability recalculation for last tax periods for fixed assets;
  • 726 thousand rubles — from write-off or sale of protective special gear;
  • 207 thousand rubles — others.

Return to Explanatory Note for Financial Statements for 2011