Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011

Thousands of Russian Roubles, unless otherwise stated

Note 31 December 2011 31 December 2010
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 12 62,195,991 51,778,672
Intangible assets 13 945,109 1,111,530
Investments and financial assets 15 533,976 614,380
Other non-current assets 16 173,789 134,198
Total non-current assets 63,848,865 53,638,780
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 17 2,646,152 258,889
Trade and other receivables 18 8,409,867 7,197,565
Income tax receivable 456,905 478,380
Inventories 19 1,445,720 1,350,425
Other current assets 9,286 48,039
Total current assets 12,967,930 9,333,298
Total assets 76,816,795 62,972,078
Equity 20
Share capital 4,221,794 4,221,794
Additional paid-in capital 88,660 88,660
Retained earnings 34,256,704 29,336,103
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 38,567,158 33,646,557
Non-controlling interests 10,570 7,900
Total equity 38,577,728 33,654,457
Non-current liabilities
Loans and borrowings 22 20,070,000 13,770,000
Finance lease liability 23 400,360 866,735
Employee benefits 24 2,083,121 1,828,754
Deferred tax liabilities 14 4,006,752 3,076,995
Other non-current liabilities 353,592 231,631
Total non-current liabilities 26,913,825 19,774,115
Current liabilities
Loans and borrowings 22 1,167,320 1,166,003
Finance lease liability 23 466,376 580,984
Trade and other payables 26 8,484,681 6,807,445
Employee payables 25 946,413 827,267
Income tax payable 542 498
Other taxes payable 27 259,910 161,309
Total current liabilities 11,325,242 9,543,506
Total liabilities 38,239,067 29,317,621
Total equity and liabilities 76,816,795 62,972,078
General Director:D.O. Gudzhoyan Chief accountant:M.V. Danilova
6 April 2012

The consolidated statement of financial position is to be read in conjunction with the notes to, and forming part of, the consolidated financial statements.