13. Intangible Assets

Thousands of Russian Roubles, unless otherwise stated

Software Licenses Other intangible assets Total
At 1 January 2010 424,637 158,033 1,075,544 1,658,214
Acquisitions through business combinations 189 206 395
Additions 69,588 10,362 119,208 199,158
Disposals (11,323) (51,588) (24,882) (87,793)
At 31 December 2010 483,091 117,013 1,169,870 1,769,974
At 1 January 2011 483,091 117,013 1,169,870 1,769,974
Reclassification (158,402) 1 158,401
Additions 161,612 426 82,269 244,307
Disposals (109,985) (117,156) (14,512) (241,653)
At 31 December 2011 376,316 284 1,396,028 1,772,628
Accumulated amortization
At 1 January 2010 (97,655) (121,028) (176,846) (395,529)
Amortization for the year (74,216) (21,265) (254,389) (349,870)
Disposals 11,323 50,750 24,882 86,955
At 31 December 2010 (160,548) (91,543) (406,353) (658,444)
At 1 January 2011 (160,548) (91,543) (406,353) (658,444)
Reclassification 32,086 (1) (32,085)
Amortization for the year (131,853) (326) (251,069) (383,248)
Disposals 107,832 91,829 14,512 214,173
At 31 December 2011 (152,483) (41) (674,995) (827,519)
Net book value
At 1 January 2010 326,982 37,005 898,698 1,262,685
At 31 December 2010 322,543 25,470 763,517 1,111,530
At 31 December 2011 223,833 243 721,033 945,109

Return to Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011