1. The Balance Sheet as of December, 31 2011

Company: IDGC of Centre
Type of activity: Electric power transmission
Business legal structure / Form of ownership: JSC
Measurement unit: thousand Rubles
Location (Address): 129090 Moscow, Glukharev lane, 4/2
Form under ARCMD0710001
Date (year, month, day)31122011
under ARCBO75720657
under ADCEA40.10.2
under ARCM384
Note Indicator Line code As of December, 31 2011 As of December, 31 2010 As of December, 31 2009
5.1.1.-5.2.2. Intangible assets 1110 27,425 27,349 35,678
5.2.2. including pending transactions to acquire intangible assets 1111
5.2.1.-5.2.2. R&D results 1120 22,092 0 0
5.2.2. including expenses for R&D in progress 1121 22,092 0 0
5.3.1.-5.3.6. Fixed assets 1130 69,677,384 58,989,480 52,021,247
land plots and environmental facilities 1131 106,714 105,930 104,588
buildings, machinery and equipment, constructions 1132 61,250,948 53,851,895 48,527,724
other types of fixed assets 1133 1,000,020 548,425 472,762
5.3.5. construction in progress 1134 7,275,325 4,443,434 2,860,952
5.3.6. advances made for capital construction and acquisition of fixed assets 1135 44,377 39,796 55,221
5.3.1. Profitable investments in tangible assets 1140 0 0 0
property for leasing 1141 0 0 0
property on tenancy contract basis 1142 0 0 0
5.4.1.-5.4.3. Financial investments 1150 1,492,489 1,347,116 145,551
investments in subsidiaries 1151 1,117,570 1,117,470 15,355
investments in affiliates 1152 0 0 0
investments in other companies 1153 165,922 229,646 130,196
loans granted to companies for more than 12 months period 1154 208,997 0 0
other long-term financial investments 1155
5.7.2. Deferred tax assets 1160 191,648 222,260 275,337
Other non-current assets 1170 883,101 1,095,026 1,144,340
TOTAL for section I 1100 72,294,139 61,681,231 53,622,153
5.5.1-5.5.2. Supplies 1210 1,512,187 1,506,910 1,502,414
raw material, materials and other analogous values 1211 1,512,187 1,506,199 1,500,610
construction in progress costs 1212 0 0 0
finished products and goods for resale 1213 0 711 1,804
shipped goods 1214 0 0 0
other supplies and expenses 1215 0 0 0
Value added tax according to purchased valuables 1220 76,933 29,356 54,789
5.6.1.-5.6.4. Accounts receivable 1230 8,286,464 7,273,283 5,217,795
Payments on which are expected more than 12 months after accounting date 1231 48,116 59,212 66,953
buyers and customers 123101 8,265 9,970 1,055
bills receivable 123102 0 0 0
advances made 123103 3,562 1,538 0
other accounts receivable 123104 36,289 47,704 65,898
Payments on which are expected within 12 months after accounting date 1232 8,238,348 7,214,071 5,150,842
buyers and customers 123201 6,642,147 5,638,014 4,148,278
bills receivable 123202 0 0 0
debts of subsidiaries and affiliates on dividends 123203 0 0 0
debts of participators (founders) according to contributions in the authorised capital 123204 0 0 0
advances made 123205 269,854 428,913 319,559
other accounts receivable 123206 1,326,347 1,147,144 683,005
5.4.1-5.4.3. Financial investments (excluding money equivalents) 1240 0 0 0
loans granted to organisations for less than 12 months period 1241 0 0 0
other short-term financial investments 1242 0 0 0
Ф.4 Monetary funds and money equivalents 1250 2,561,803 196,278 368,104
cashier’s desk 1251 0 0 0
settlement accounts 1252 1,251,593 190,210 363,395
foreign exchange accounts 1253 0 0 0
other monetary funds 1254 1,310,210 6,068 4,709
Other currents assets 1260 376,677 377,232 324,115
TOTAL for section II 1200 12,814,064 9,383,059 7,467,217
BALANCE 1600 85,108,203 71,064,290 61,089,370
3.1. Share capital (joint-stock capital, authorised capital, limited partner contributions) 1310 4,221,794 4,221,794 4,221,794
3.1. Own shares repurchased from shareholders 1320 (0) (0) (0)
5.3.1., 5.1.1. Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 0 0 0
3.1. Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 33,269,936 33,269,936 33,269,936
3.1. Reserve capital 1360 211,090 174,484 108,245
3.1. Retained profit (uncovered loss) 1370 12,814,569 8,258,615 3,076,534
of past years 1371 7,611,077 3,545,192 1,751,757
of the reporting period 1372 5,203,492 4,713,423 1,324,777
TOTAL for section III 1300 50,517,389 45,924,829 40,676,509
5.6.7.-5.6.8. Loans and credits 1410 20,070,000 13,770,000 6,805,877
bank credits subject to payment more than within 12 months after the reporting date 1411 20,070,000 13,424,262 6,460,139
loans subject to payment more than 1412 345,738 345,738
within 12 months after the reporting date 1412
5.7.2. Deferred tax liabilities 1420 3,834,722 2,498,441 1,749,243
5.7.1. Estimated liabilities 1430 2,381 0 0
5.6.5.-5.6.6. Other liabilities 1450 320,444 178,222 90,493
TOTAL for section IV 1400 24,227,547 16,446,663 8,645,613
5.6.7.-5.6.8. Loans and credits 1510 1,166,113 1,166,003 4,320,373
bank credits subject to payment within 12 months after the reporting date 1511 1,166,113 1,166,003 4,320,373
loans subject to payment within 12 months after the reporting date 1512 0 0 0
5.6.5.-5.6.6. Accounts payable 1520 7,421,796 6,752,357 6,610,582
suppliers and contractors 1521 4,600,804 3,860,303 3,895,158
bills payable 1522 0 0 0
debt to personnel relating to labour payment 1523 320,986 276,396 288,195
debt to governmental extra-budgetary funds 1524 108,495 14,504 45,320
taxes and levies payable 1525 127,898 124,491 593,578
advances received 1526 1,782,027 2,224,596 1,640,726
debts to participators (founders) according to income payment 1527 8,801 260 15,975
other accounts payable 1528 472,785 251,807 131,630
Deferred income 1530 868 1,048 1,248
5.7.1. Estimated liabilities 1540 1,774,490 773,390 835,045
Other liabilities 1550 0 0 0
TOTAL for section V 1500 10,363,267 8,692,798 11,767,248
BALANCE 1700 85,108,203 71,064,290 61,089,370

General Director: D.O. Gudzhoyan
Chief accountant: M.V. Danilova
29 February 2012