5.6. Accounts Receivable and Payable

5.6.1. Availability and movement of accounts receivableOpen the tableOpen the tableDownload XLS

5.6.2. Reserve on doubtful debts

Indicator At the beginning of year Changes for the period At the period end
Name Code Reserve creation Reserve write-off
Settlements with buyers and customers 7310 1,698,581 1,046,088 -1,123,743 1,620,926
for electric power transmission 7311 1,474,114 988,135 -970,978 1,491,271
for technological connection 7312 61,131 43,816 -24,253 80,694
for the organisation of functioning and development of UES of Russia regarding the distribution electric grid complex 7313 0 0 0 0
for electric power and capacity resale 7314 0 0 0 0
for lease revenues 7315 5,971 484 -5,840 615
other 7316 157,365 13,653 -122,672 48,346
Advances issued 7330 0 4,674 0 4,674
Other accounts receivable 7320 162,946 -4 162,942
Total 7300 1,698,581 1,213,708 -1,123,747 1,788,542

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5.6.3. Overdue accounts receivable

Indicator Code As of 31 December 2011 As of 31 December 2010 As of 31 December 2009
accounted under agreement provisions book value
(minus a reserve on doubtful debts)
accounted under agreement provisions book value
(minus a reserve on doubtful debts)
accounted under agreement provisions book value
(minus a reserve on doubtful debts)
In total 5540 4,691,794 3,016,062 4,254,239 2,316,521 1,786,828 1,156,372
Settlements with buyers and customers,
5541 4,218,704 2,704,763 4,142,058 2,172,859 1,710,271 1,051,452
for electric power transmission 55411 4,005,626 2,617,436 3,846,822 2,084,551 1,547,197 928,292
for technological connection 55412 57,205 30,093 103,563 42,617 76,059 36,120
for the organisation of functioning and development of UES of Russia regarding the distribution electric grid complex 55413 0 0 26,388 5,357 33,615 5,531
for electric power and capacity resale 55414 0 0 7,289 0 7,289 0
for lease revenues 55415 9,193 2,143 4,337 3,617 995 858
other 55416 146,680 55,091 153,659 36,717 45,116 80,651
Other accounts receivable 5542 473,090 311,299 112,181 143,662 76,557 104,920

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5.6.4. Disagreements with the retail companies

The counterpart At the beginning of year Changes for the period At the period end
Charged for the period
(Turnover on debtors, thousand RUB)
Paid for the period
(Turnover on creditors, thousand RUB)
Holding data Data of the counterpart Holding data Data of the counterpart Holding data Data of the counterpart Holding data Data of the counterpart
JSC “Belgorod retail company” 175,783 57,505 10,488,260 10,545,991 10,444,503 10,444,503 219,540 158,993
JSC “Kurskregionenergosbyt” 457,104 72,808 3,682,127 4,021,188 3,672,591 3,672,591 466,640 421,405
JSC “Voronezh electricity retail company” 439,336 439,336 6,845,752 6,837,165 6,732,973 6,732,973 552,115 543,528
JSC “Voronezh gorelectroset” 2,518 2,359 0 159 2,518 2,518 0 0
JSC Kostroma retail company 322,336 129,168 2,895,375 3,037,825 2,858,005 2,858,005 359,706 308,988
Rusenergosbyt LLC 63,052 30,265 1,490,402 1,404,955 1,395,897 1,395,897 157,557 39,323
JSC “Smolenskenergosbyt” 161,772 120,882 4,711,348 4,691,289 4,690,645 4,690,645 182,475 121,526
ZAO “TSOP Energo” 0 0 124,814 118,747 114,088 114,088 10,726 4,659
JSC “Lipetsk electricity retail company” 105,249 52,305 2,800,156 2,772,915 2,545,688 2,545,688 359,717 279,532
“City electricity retail company” LLC 97,426 89,598 2,267,227 2,257,886 2,268,225 2,268,225 96,428 79,259
JSC “Yaroslavl retail company” 393,655 269,805 4,754,892 4,723,202 4,713,572 4,713,572 434,975 279,435
JSC Tver electricity retail company 3,447,218 2,617,518 6,802,738 7,231,790 6,890,142 6,890,142 3,359,814 2,959,166
Tver electricity retail company LLC 80,305 71,017 275,459 274,637 236,848 236,848 118,916 108,806
JSC Siburenergomenedzhment 6,050 4,436 89,235 90,849 91,451 91,451 3,834 3,834
Total 5,751,804 3,957,002 47,227,785 48,008,598 46,657,146 46,657,146 6,322,443 5,308,454

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5.6.5. Availability and movement of accounts payable

Indicator Code Period Remainder
at the beginning
of year
Changes for the period Remainder
at the period end
acceptance retirement transfer
from long-term
to short-term debt
as a result of business transactions (amount of debt under transactions) interests, penalties and other charges due Repayment write-off on financial result
Long-term accounts payable — total 5551 For 2011 178,222 181,911 0 (31,193) (0) (8,496) 320,444
5571 For 2010 90,493 87,886 0 (3,086) (189) (-3,118) 178,222
accounts payable of suppliers and contractors 5552 For 2011 8,479 0 0 (0) (0) (0) 8,479
5572 For 2010 9,585 0 0 (1,106) (0) (0) 8,479
construction 55521 For 2011 8,479 8,479
55721 For 2010 9,585 (1,106) 8,479
other 55522 For 2011 0 0
55722 For 2010 0
Other accounts payable 5553 For 2011 169,743 181,911 (31,193) (8,496) 311,965
5573 For 2010 80,908 87,886 (1,980) (189) (-3,118) 169,743
From the total sum of long-term indebtedness 5554 For 2011 0 0
5574 For 2010 0
Indebtedness before affiliated companies 55541 For 2011 13,884 (191) (13,693) 0
55741 For 2010 13,884 13,884
Indebtedness before dependent companies 55542 For 2011 0 0
55742 For 2010 0
Short-term accounts payable — total 5560 For 2011 6,752,357 189,239,322 7,426 (188,576,144) (9,661) 8,496 7,421,796
5580 For 2010 6,610,582 164,134,599 35,694 (163,989,322) (36,078) ?3,118 6,752,357
Settlements with buyers and customers 5561 For 2011 3,860,303 63,901,935 222 (63,158,944) (2,712) 0 4,600,804
5581 For 2010 3,895,158 56,599,481 207 (56,632,522) (2,021) 0 3,860,303
construction 55611 For 2011 2,405,508 17,958,821 (17,170,216) (1,756) 3,192,357
55811 For 2010 1,589,099 12,352,264 6 (11,535,516) (345) 2,405,508
other 55612 For 2011 1,454,795 45,943,114 222 (45,988,728) (956) 1,408,447
55812 For 2010 2,306,059 44,247,217 201 (45,097,006) (1,676) 1,454,795
Advances received 5562 For 2011 2,224,596 78,845,164 0 (79,290,003) (6,226) 8,496 1,782,027
5582 For 2010 1,640,726 67,670,040 0 (67,068,074) (14,978) ?3,118 2,224,596
for electric power transmission 55621 For 2011 2,105,547 1,427,404 (2,145,220) 8,496 1,396,227
55821 For 2010 1,517,874 3,264,558 (2,673,767) ?3,118 2,105,547
for technological connection 55622 For 2011 52,144 75,967,573 (75,893,480) (5,725) 120,512
55822 For 2010 50,651 63,349,245 (63,332,983) (14,769) 52,144
for the organisation of functioning and development of UES of Russia regarding the distribution electric grid complex 55623 For 2011 0 0
55823 For 2010 0
for electric power and capacity resale 55624 For 2011 0 0
55824 For 2010 0
for participation in other organisations 55625 For 2011 0 0
55825 For 2010 0
for rent services 55626 For 2011 170 83,141 (83,127) 184
55826 For 2010 252 194,935 (195,017) 170
for other 55627 For 2011 66,735 1,367,046 (1,168,176) (501) 265,104
55826 For 2010 71,949 861,302 (866,307) (209) 66,735
Indebtedness to participants (founders) on payment of incomes 5563 For 2011 260 619,444 (610,637) (266) 8,801
5583 For 2010 15,975 573 (493) (15,795) 260
Bills payable 5564 For 2011 0 0
5584 For 2010 0 0
Indebtedness before the state off-budget funds 5565 For 2011 14,504 2,898,985 19 (2,805,013) 108,495
5585 For 2010 45,320 1,913,622 210 (1,944,648) 14,504
Settlements under taxes and levies 5566 For 2011 124,491 22,360,348 7,185 (22,364,126) 127,898
5586 For 2010 593,578 19,257,189 35,277 (19,760,987) (566) 124,491
Indebtedness before the company personnel 5567 For 2011 276,396 10,335,763 (10,291,169) (4) 320,986
5587 For 2010 288,195 8,813,040 (8,824,839) 276,396
Other accounts payable 5568 For 2011 251,807 10,277,683 (10,056,252) (453) 472,785
5588 For 2010 131,630 9,880,654 (9,757,759) (2,718) 251,807
From total sum of short-term indebtedness 5569 For 2011 0 0
5589 For 2010 0
Indebtedness before affiliated companies 55691 For 2011 187,951 1,985,420 (2,152,361) 13,693 34,703
55891 For 2010 352,364 2,025,389 (2,189,802) 187,951
Indebtedness before dependent companies 55692 For 2011 0 172,754 (165,177) 7,577
55892 For 2010 19,117 134,315 (153,432) 0
Total 5550 For 2011 6,930,579 189,421,233 7,426 (188,607,337) (9,661) 0 7,742,240
5570 For 2010 6,701,075 164,222,485 35,694 (163,992,408) (36,267) 0 6,930,579

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5.6.6. Overdue accounts payable

Indicator Code As of 31 December 2011 As of 31 December 2010 As of 31 December 2009
In total 5590 678,283 218,910 60,929
Settlements with suppliers and contractors 5591 496,992 152,420 52,941
construction 55911 151,362 6,625 1,516
other 55912 345,630 145,795 51,425
Indebtedness to participants (founders) on payment of incomes 5592 3,041 0 19
Indebtedness before the state off-budget funds 5593 0 0 0
Settlements under taxes and levies 5594 0 0 0
Indebtedness before the company personnel 5595 0 0 0
Other accounts payable 5596 178,250 66,490 7,969

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5.6.7. Credits and loansOpen the tableOpen the tableDownload XLS

5.6.8. Expenses on credits and loans

Indicator For long-term credits and loans For short-term credits and loans
Name Code
Expenses on credits in total 7510 174,208 1,014,644
written off on other expenses 7511 169,295 957,626
included in cost of assets 7512 4,913 57,018
Expenses on loans in total 7520 1,118 5,365
written off on other expenses 7521 1,118 5,365
included in cost of assets 7522 0 0
From total expenses on loans and credits: 7530 175,326 1,020,009
accrued % 7531 175,326 1,020,009
other expenses 7532

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