Tariffs for 2009-2011 broken down by Branches

Average Tariffs for Power Transmission Services in the Regions

Branch Average “joint operation” tariffs for power transmission services, kopeck/kWh
2009 2010 2011
Belgorodenergo 80.8 100.1 115.1
Bryanskenergo 106 130.5 152
Voronezhenergo 91.1 102.4 110.5
Kostromaenergo 106.4 130.8 146.9
Kurskenergo 69.1 98.7 108.8
Lipetskenergo 82.2 111.1 126.9
Orelenergo 117 140.5 161.6
Smolenskenergo 110.4 123.8 139
Tambovenergo 100.3 108.3 124.6
Tverenergo 138.3 154.1 177.3
Yarenergo 74 86.2 102.8
Total for IDGC of Centre 91.8 111.22 126.6

Average (Estimated) Rate* of Payment for Technological Connections (based on the rates in effect at the end of the year) in the Regions

Branch Technological connection, RUR/kW
2009 2010 2011
Belgorodenergo 637 566 601
Bryanskenergo 8,931 8,931 2,906
Voronezhenergo 18,045 18,045 10,262
Kostromaenergo 9,991 9,991 6,345
Kurskenergo 11,453 9,770 2,628
Lipetskenergo 7,395 7,395 5,448
Orelenergo 9,003 9,003 3,211
Smolenskenergo 4,077 5,619 2,295
Tambovenergo 2,347 3,047 3,127
Tverenergo 10,271 10,271 10,271
Yarenergo 10,323 10,323 7,083
Total for IDGC of Centre 7,831 7,353 4,231
Rate of growth, % −47.2 −6.1 −42.5

* Average payment rates do not take into account the payment rates for technological connections for privileged categories of consumers, or for individual connections. For privileged categories of consumers, the payment rate for a technological connection is RUR 550 (VAT inclusive) for one connection up to 15 kW.

Breakdown of Accounts Receivable and Payable, million RUR

Indicator 2009 2010 2011
Accounts receivable 5,217.8 7,273.3 8,286.5
Buyers and customers 4,149.3 5,648.0 6,650.4
Bills receivable 0 0 0
Amounts owed by subsidiaries and dependent companies on dividends 0 0 0
Advances issued 319.6 430.5 273.4
Other debtors 748.9 1,194.8 1,362.6
Accounts payable 6,701.1 6,930.6 7,742.2
Suppliers and contractors 3,895.2 3,860.3 4,600.8
Bills payable 0 0 0
Debts on wages 288.2 276.4 321.0
Debts to state extra-budgetary funds 45.3 14.5 108.5
Tax arrears 593.6 124.5 127.9
Advances received 1,640.7 2,224.6 1,782.0
Payable to participants (founders) on income 16.0 0.3 8.8
Other debt holders 222.1 430.0 793.2

Proceeds (regions), million RUR

Branch 2009 2010 2011 Rate of growth, %
2010/2009 2011/2010
Belgorodenergo 7,989 10,078 11,378 1.26 1.13
Bryanskenergo 3,602 5,490 5,090 1.52 0.93
Voronezhenergo 6,329 7,195 8,082 1.14 1.12
Kostromaenergo 2,768 3,169 3,518 1.14 1.11
Kurskenergo 3,792 5,008 6,261 1.32 1.25
Lipetskenergo 5,189 7,362 8,589 1.42 1.17
Orelenergo 2,312 2,661 3,065 1.15 1.15
Smolenskenergo 3,674 4,128 4,693 1.12 1.14
Tambovenergo 2,775 2,911 3,163 1.05 1.09
Tverenergo 5,624 6,610 7,649 1.18 1.16
Yarenergo 4,999 5,793 6,638 1.16 1.15
Total for IDGC of Centre 49,053 60,405 68,127 1.23 1.13

Income before tax (regions), million RUR

Branch 2009 2010 2011 Rate of growth, %
2010/2009 2011/2010
Belgorodenergo 1,013 1,847 2,151 1.82 1.16
Bryanskenergo 74 1,425 520 19.2 0.36
Voronezhenergo 499 520 410 1.04 0.79
Kostromaenergo −32 277 462 −8.77 1.67
Kurskenergo 94 −329 788 −3.51 −2.39
Lipetskenergo 146 1,519 1,689 10.38 1.11
Orelenergo −122 −19 229 0.16 −11.96
Smolenskenergo −68 −197 116 2.9 −0.59
Tambovenergo −218 −248 −309 1.14 1.25
Tverenergo 425 104 280 0.24 2.7
Yarenergo 471 698 1,101 1.48 1.58
Total for IDGC of Centre 2,283 5,596 7,438 2.45 1.33

Amount of electric energy transmission services provided and losses of electric energy broken down by Branches (in the service area of IDGC of Centre)


Branch Supply to the Grid Amount of services provided Losses
thousand kWh thousand kWh %
Belgorodenergo 2,852,410 2,400,819 451,591 15.83
Bryanskenergo 7,037,486 6,563,934 473,552 6.73
Voronezhenergo 3,799,504 3,570,667 228,837 6.02
Kostromaenergo 4,055,433 3,339,182 716,251 17.66
Kurskenergo 5,329,681 4,505,555 824,126 15.46
Lipetskenergo 10,810,129 10,044,571 765,557 7.08
Orelenergo 7,958,215 7,188,269 769,946 9.67
Smolenskenergo 5,328,524 4,804,215 524,309 9.84
Tambovenergo 6,709,880 6,035,897 673,983 10.04
Tverenergo 2,403,445 2,087,340 316,105 13.15
Yarenergo 2,821,695 2,588,713 232,982 8.26
Total for IDGC of Centre 59,106,402 53,129,162 5,977,239 10.11


Branch Supply to the Grid Amount of services provided Losses
thousand kWh thousand kWh %
Belgorodenergo 11,277,405 10,376,189 901,216 7.99
Bryanskenergo 3,976,208 3,741,821 234,387 5.89
Voronezhenergo 8,418,904 7,647,873 771,032 9.16
Kostromaenergo 2,962,626 2,524,874 437,751 14.78
Kurskenergo 5,642,700 5,149,774 492,926 8.74
Lipetskenergo 7,412,288 6,736,989 675,299 9.11
Orelenergo 2,364,603 2,054,024 310,578 13.13
Smolenskenergo 4,166,277 3,414,625 751,652 18.04
Tambovenergo 3,066,775 2,825,810 240,965 7.86
Tverenergo 5,566,950 4,703,285 863,666 15.51
Yarenergo 7,403,790 6,853,662 550,128 7.43
Total for IDGC of Centre 62,258,526 56,028,926 6,229,600 10.01


Branch Supply to the Grid Amount of services provided Losses
thousand kWh thousand kWh %
Belgorodenergo 11,725,033 10,828,512 896,522 7.65
Bryanskenergo 3,912,378 3,685,585 226,793 5.80
Voronezhenergo 8,516,709 7,719,037 797,671 9.37
Kostromaenergo 2,848,962 2,431,347 417,616 14.66
Kurskenergo 5,773,824 5,291,417 482,407 8.36
Lipetskenergo 7,599,089 6,923,210 675,879 8.89
Orelenergo 2,377,815 2,075,673 302,142 12.71
Smolenskenergo 4,094,194 3,385,258 708,936 17.32
Tambovenergo 3,092,009 2,851,412 240,597 7.78
Tverenergo 5,495,333 4,567,190 928,142 16.89
Yarenergo 7,479,317 6,908,783 570,534 7.63
Total for IDGC of Centre 62,914,663 56,667,425 6,247,238 9.93

Dynamics of power transmission services ( “Joint Operation”)

Branch 2010 2011 Change
million kWh million kWh %
Belgorodenergo 10,364,842 10,816,598 451,756 4.4
Bryanskenergo 3,381,402 3,326,258 −55,144 −1.6
Voronezhenergo 7,031,944 7,104,367 72,422 1.0
Kostromaenergo 2,507,131 2,408,852 −98,279 −3.9
Kurskenergo 4,905,131 5,031,987 126,856 2.6
Lipetskenergo 6,719,797 6,904,523 184,727 2.7
Orelenergo 1,936,166 1,977,288 41,122 2.1
Smolenskenergo 3,345,388 3,318,376 −27,011 −0.8
Tambovenergo 2,613,546 2,633,719 20,173 0.8
Tverenergo 4,183,057 4,079,876 −103,182 −2.5
Yarenergo 6,367,355 6,485,377 118,023 1.9
TOTAL for IDGC of Centre 53,355,759 54,087,222 731,463 1.4

Actual Losses of Electric Energy

Branch Electric Energy Losses
2010 2011 Change
million kWh % million kWh % million kWh* %
Belgorodenergo 901.2 7.99 896.5 7.65 −40.5 −0.35
Bryanskenergo 234.4 5.89 226.8 5.80 −3.8 −0.10
Voronezhenergo 771.0 9.16 797.7 9.37 17.7 0.21
Kostromaenergo 437.8 14.78 417.6 14.66 −3.3 −0.12
Kurskenergo 492.9 8.74 482.4 8.36 −22.0 −0.38
Lipetskenergo 675.3 9.11 675.9 8.89 −16.4 −0.22
Orelenergo 310.6 13.13 302.1 12.71 −10.2 −0.43
Smolenskenergo 751.7 18.04 708.9 17.32 −29.7 −0.73
Tambovenergo 241.0 7.86 240.6 7.78 −2.4 −0.08
Tverenergo 863.7 15.51 928.1 16.89 75.6 1.38
Yarenergo 550.1 7.43 570.5 7.63 14.8 0.20
Total for IDGC of Centre 6,229.6 10.01 6,247.2 9.93 −20.2 −0.08

* The calculation of the actual supply to the grid in 2011.

Actual losses of electric energy in the electric networks of IDGC of Centre amounted to 6 247,2 million kWh, or 9,93% of the supply to the grid. In comparison with 2010 the decrease in electric energy losses amounted to 20,2 million kWh, or 0,08%, in relation to the supply of electric energy to the grid (the effect is calculated as the percentage allocation of losses reduction to the actual supply to the grid in 2011).

Activities to reduce electric energy losses

Activity Annual effect from reduced
losses due to implemented
activities, thousand kWh
Activities, total 206,543
1. Organisational arrangements 175,544
Including the main:
inclusion of Acts of non-contracted consumption into productive supply (ESC) 107,269
payment under Acts of non-contracted consumption (RGC) 61,955
switching off a transformer with low load operation at substationsSubstation, electric installation designed to convert and distribute electric power with 2 and more transformers 2,454
2. Operational arrangements 8,635
Including the main:
replacement of overloaded transformers 580
replacement of existing feeders for SIW 1,063
replacement of wires for a bigger section on overloaded power lines 2,334
3. Activities to improve systems of billing and technical metering of electric energy 22,364
Including the main:
commercial metering installation at 0,4 kV 8,142
commercial metering installation in residential rural households 9,883

Information on the actual consumption of energy resources by IDGC of Centre in 2011

Name Consumption amount
in volume terms thousand RUR
Electrical energy, thousand kWh 144,419 356,199
Thermal energy, Gcal 55,377 58,654
Petrol, l 16,010,159 27,598,822
Diesel fuel, l 5,274,008 18,596,626
Natural gas, thousand m3 79,759 5,084

IDGC of Centre did not use other kinds of energy resources (nuclear energy, electromagnetic energy, oil, fuel oil, coal, oil shale, peat, etc.) in the reporting year.