Mass Media Relations
The primary tasks of the Management of IDGC of Centre, JSC in the sphere of communications policy are as follows:
- formation of strategies and realisation of plans of effective communications with representatives of the business and expert communities, governmental and administrating authorities, the public (including youth and veterans) and religious organisations and mass media for the purposes of harmonisation of relations with the external environment and improvement of the business reputation of the Company;
- the conducting of congresses and exhibition events;
- increase in the publicity capital (image-building value);
- realisation of measures within the framework of the integrated external and internal corporate communications policy of IDGC Holding.
Communication process management is carried out as a part of the communications policy of IDGC of Centre, JSC focused on sustaining the positive brand image of the Company, optimisation of the communication environment, and elimination of reputational risks. In 2011, the Company continued informational support of the realisation of strategic targets connected with innovative development, implementation of new equipment and development of management systems, on enhancement of energy efficiency and the reliability of functioning of the power grid complex.
For the purposes of sustaining the image of an informationally transparent company, and improving brand awareness, as well as realisation of the uniform informational policy in the Company on a permanent basis, the Company cooperates with the leading regional, federal and industrial mass media.
In the reporting period IDGC of Centre, JSC positioned itself in the information environment as one of the leaders of the electrical power industry in the sphere of implementation of innovations and energy conservation technologies and energy efficiency enhancement.
Electronic mass media became the major source of distribution of new on the activities of IDGC of Centre, JSC (81% of messages were published on the Internet). For this reason the Company pays great attention to the operation of the corporate website, information on which is disclosed in Russian and in English. In 2011, the corporate website was redesigned, resulting in an almost twofold increase in the number of visitors. In addition, the website of the Company was recognized as the best in the nomination Best Design and Navigation of the Website of the Company at the XIV Annual Federal Contest of Annual Reports and Websites arranged by Stock Market Magazine.
In 2011, IDGC of Centre, JSC took part in more than 20 congress exhibition events in Moscow and regions of the Central Federal District. The largest events were: the Second Yaroslavl Energy Forum Modern Innovative Energy Infrastructure — to the Modern Economic Structure. The Company presented its innovative and energy efficiency projects. The Company displayed at the exposition at the 14th International Specialized Exhibition Electrical Networks of Russia - 2011 and presented its experience on the topic Distributed Generation as the Element of “Smart Networks”.
Employees of IDGC of Centre, JSC took part in the target Programme of IDGC Holding, JSC Distribution Electric Power Grid Complex — for environmental protection aimed at restoring natural conditions following an extreme act of nature.
In January 2011, the Museum of Electrical Engineering History was opened in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the electrical power system of Kostroma Oblast. In addition, in 2011 the expositions of museums of electrical power systems of Yaroslavl Oblast and Kursk Oblast were renewed.

IDGC of Centre, JSC actively participated in the historical commemorative event of IDGC Holding, JSC — The Victory Flag Relay, and also joined the remembrance event Motherland of the Deed — to the Motherland of the Hero.
IDGC of Centre, JSC is planning to further implement its communication strategy, giving special attention to cooperation with the leading mass media, participating in specialised exhibitions and forums and developing and improving the corporate website.