Personnel Structure
In 2011 the registered employees of the Company amounted to 30,977 persons, representing a growth of 0.2% over 2010. Significant changes in the organisational structure of the IDGC of Centre JSC, a return of functions previously put to outsourcing — such as business accounting and information technologies, increased the number of the Company’s employees in 2009-2011. The staffing level of the Company at the end of the reporting period is similar to that of 2010, it amounted to 95%.
Staff rotation analysis shows a decrease in staff turnover in 2011 when compared to the previous year: in the reporting period it amounted to 11.5%, which is 0.6% lower than the level of 2010. However, the active staff turnover in 2011 amounted to 4.46%.
IDGC of Centre, JSC is a reliable and responsible employer. The Company works to a Collective Agreement that ensures not only the rights and responsibilities of the parties to the social partnership, but also provides for social guarantees and benefits for employees of the Company.
The distribution grid complex in which IDGC of Centre, JSC operates defines certain characteristics of the personnel structure of the Company. Thus, more than 50% of employees are of the job worker category.
Concerning the age structure of employees of the Company, growth below 35 is observed. At the end of the reporting period recent recruits constituted about 36% of the personnel of the Company.

The positive personnel trend was already visible in 2009 and is evidence of the efficiency of measures conducted by the Company in order to recruit younger staff. IDGC of Centre, JSC endeavours to provide the most favourable working environment, and carries out various social programmes, paying great attention to engaging and retaining new staff. IDGC of Centre, JSC works to interest young people in a profession in the electrical power industry. In the reporting year the Company continued to cooperate with profession-oriented educational institutions, and held career seminars with graduates of schools and gymnasiums and held open door days; in addition the Company took on students of specialised secondary and higher educational institutions for temporary work experience.
Therefore the human resources trends in IDGC of Centre, JSC show a positive nature. The Company primarily engages young specialists and job workers of specialised power industry professions at the optimum active working age. Regarding older employees and pensioners the Company provides benefits under the Collective Agreement and non-state pension provision programmes.
The high level of demands for modern technologies in the sphere of power industry requires the enhancement and development of the qualification level of the employees of the Company.
The number of employees with incomplete secondary and secondary education decreased in the period analysed; particularly it is connected with the increase of educational level of the employees of the Company and close cooperation of IDGC of Centre, JSC with institutions of primary, secondary and higher education focused on engagement of young specialists. The management of the Company plans to continue such dynamics in the following years.
The employees of IDGC of Centre, JSC are noted for a high qualification level: more than 80% have higher and secondary professional education; about 3% of have two higher educations and an academic degree.
Among employees recruited by the Company in 2011 the majority of the “managers” and “specialist” categories is represented by personnel with higher education. Among “job workers” category employees accepted with specialised secondary education prevail. This can be explained by the specific character of the activities of the Company and the requirements placed on employees for performance of their employment duties.