- IDGC of Centre in 2011
- Financial and Operating Results
- Development Strategy
- Investments and Innovations
- To Shareholders and Investors
- Securities
- Dividends
- Share Capital
- Registrar
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance Rating
- Disclosure
- General Shareholders’ Meeting
- Board of Directors
- Corporate Secretary
- Committees under the Board of Directors
- The Chief Executive Officer
- The Management Board
- The Audit Commission
- Remuneration of members of the management and control bodies
- External auditors
- Internal Control and Risk Management
- Social Responsibility
- Mass Media and Investor Relations
- Appendixes
- Statements in accordance with RAS
- Statements in accordance with IFRS
- Independent Auditors’ Report
- Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2011
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 December 2011
- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2011
- Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011
- Explanation of separate indicators
- Report on Interregional distribution grid company of centre jsc, compliance with the code of corporate governance
- Information on Large Deals and Related Party Transactions Closed in 2011
Skills Pool
In 2011 the Company continued its work related to the creation of a skills pool for the management positions of IDGC of Centre, JSC. Pursuant to the Regulation on the Skills Pool of IDGC of Centre, JSCApproved by order of IDGC of Centre, JSC No. 248 of October 27, 2008., a personnel reserve will be formed and updated for all executive posts.
Currently, the Company’s skills pool amounts to 3,288 employees.
For the purpose of inclusion in the reserve for management positions, the most qualified and promising employees with high qualification and leadership skills were identified.
In addition, the Company formed a personnel reserve of new employees for involvement in solving of the current problems of the power grid complex, improvement of their professional competence, and for their career development.
The system of reserve training includes individual planning of professional growth of a specialist. Such individual development planning provides for the following methods and techniques: the involvement of a candidate in personnel training; the inclusion in creative teams for solving of technical and organisational challenges; practical training in a higher position for the period of absence of a regular worker; delegation of execution of draft documents, instructions or reports; and engagement as tutors or instructors in training courses, and development of educational programmes or guidelines.